Friday, April 23, 2010

My Journey down this RA road... so far

I have to say that I would have weeks of not feeling well but they never really had a clear name or meaning. Now, they are called "flares" and last night was truly a time where I felt on fire. I am on "fire" because my hands and feet are swollen and truly red and pained. I am on "fire" because I get angry at the RA. I get angry at myself for saying that I need a break.
I am heading into my third week of the methotrexate and this week was actually worse with the side effects than the first week. I can tell you that I will not be eating bananas for a while... ugh. I seem to survive my mornings with crackers and ginger ale. I am not a soda drinker by any means but this is getting me through the horrible bouts of stomach cramps and vomitting.
I am still grateful for having the "answer". It's more like a name and attack plan.
I have an amazing husband, family and friends.
Sometimes all you need to hear is... Gee... that REALLY sucks!

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